We seek to mainstream disability across all mainstream laws, policies and programming areas that include: 1) Health, 2) Nutrition and Food Security, 3) Education, 4) Work/Employment/Self -Reliance, 5) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, 6) Justice and Equal Recognition before the Law, 7) Disaster Risk Management, 8) Communication, 9) Child Protection 9) HIV/AIDS, 10) Migration, 11) Music and Sport, 12) Sexual and Reproductive Health, 13) Transport, 14) Gender Based Violence. We pay attention to the unique needs and concerns of all persons with disabilities including, children, women and older persons with disabilities. We also seek to establish as well as to support the establishment of disability targeted laws, policies and programs, thereby taking a twin-track approach (mainstreaming disability and targeted disability initiatives).


We seek to lead or to support an initiative for inter-agency co-operation where the public and private sector, UN agencies, donors, international and local development organisations, research institutions, academia, media and additional stakeholders work together to come up with interventions that ensure total inclusion of persons with disabilities in all facets of life. Guided by the UNCRPD we promote co-operation with national, regional and international stakeholders in addressing the long history of the marginalization of persons with disabilities.


We undertake various disability inclusion training programs and build the capacity of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and additional organizations that include development agencies, donors, NGOs, CSO, independent Commissions, private and public-sector organizations and the media, with regards to disability inclusion. We seek to strengthen the capacity of OPDs to develop organizational abilities, research, information sharing, vocational skills as well as project management and leadership skills, monitoring and evaluation, report writing, policy making and resource mobilization skills.


We offer training programs on disability inclusion across sectors including training on the provisions of the UNCRPD. We also train persons with disabilities, persons that interface, live or work with persons with disabilities in families, communities and organisations. We offer short courses, organise and run conferences, seminars and workshops on disability inclusion. Training programs are tailor made to suit the needs of the client.


We undertake both quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research with the aim of drawing findings that inform policy and practice. We use different theoretical and conceptual models that include the human rights model, intersectionality and the social model of disability as enshrined in the UNCRPD. We seek to uphold all ethical principles of undertaking research whilst using a diversity of data generation and data analysis methods. We are experts in policy making and policy review including the review of policies across sectors for disability inclusion.


Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is implemented through the combined efforts of persons with disabilities, their families and communities, and representatives of the appropriate sectors, in accordance with the WHO matrix which consists of five components – 1) health, 2) education, 3) livelihood, 4) social, and 5) empowerment, with each of these five components being divided into five elements. We also help clients to come up with appropriate and relevant CBR strategies thereby strengthening the inclusion of persons with disabilities.


We raise awareness and support other stakeholder's awareness raising initiatives, about the rights of persons with disabilities across all facets of life.


We are seeking to establish an inclusive physical and digital library that contributes towards the provision of information to persons with disabilities in appropriate formats.
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